Josh's solar dwellings

Wed. 19 Jun, 2013 6:00pm - 9:00pm AWST
18 and Over
18 and Over
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18 and Over
Event Description

Includes a tour of the properties on Saturday 22nd June 2013.

Well known ABC-TV’s Gardening Australia’s Josh Byrne has recently collaborated with renowned passive solar housing designer, Griff Morris to design an exciting and ambitious project. The building of two 10-star energy-efficient family homes in Hilton will help them showcase how affordable homes can be built to be naturally thermally comfortable year round. Come see their project for yourself.

This will be the first time Josh's exciting new project will be available for public viewing. Two exemplary examples of passive solar design right next to each other with landscaping to complement the environment and temperature of the houses. Josh and Griff will present together for a 3-hour session on the Wednesday evening session and then you will be taken on house and garden tour at Josh's houses in Hilton on Saturday afternoon. The houses have optimal orientation on the block, the right amount of thermal mass (learn what this means!), windows facing the right ways to allow for the houses to keep warm in winter and cool in summer naturally, or in a passive way. Plus the design allows for the occupants to use less water (find out how) and the landscape design and plant choice works with the house for optimal comfort of the occupants.

On Saturday 22nd June there will be one-hour tours at Josh's Houses in Hilton at 1pm, 2.30pm or 4pm. Tour groups will be organised at Wednesday evening's presentation.
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Venue Details
Map of Venue Location.
UWA Claremont - Kurrajong LT cnr Princess and Goldsworthy Roads
Claremont, WA 6010