Grounded Permaculture Retreat - Early Bird

Price: AUD $650.00
Product Description

Earth Frequency is proud to offer the 6th edition of our Permaculture Retreat in partnership with Grounded Permaculture Action Party Inc. and Peak Organics at Ivory's Rock.

Our carefully curated and gracefully facilitated Permaculture Retreat gives a small group of participants a solid grounding in a broad range of regenerative topics based on real-life projects happening on the festival site.

It is designed for those who are ready to take action and gain the practical knowledge and skills required to sink their roots deep into radical self determination and productive land regeneration.

Whether you are a complete city-slicker that’s never gotten dirt under your fingernails, or whether you grew up in the outback and flip compost before breakfast, this retreat has much to offer you.

The broad range of topics and down-to-earth facilitation team means that no matter what stage you are at on your regenerative journey - you are sure to get much value out of this retreat.