Lighthouse Leadership Series with Saul Eslake

Wed. 2 Nov, 2016 11:45am - 2:30pm AWST
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CCI PRESENTS: Saul Eslake, Economist

A rare opportunity to break bread with one of Australia’s most renowned and straight-shooting economists, Saul Eslake, is on offer to WA decision-makers on 2nd November, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Perth. 

Just a week out from the most controversial election in US history, Eslake will share his insights on how the result could impact on global economics and Australian business – and much more besides.

Lunch guests will have the opportunity to ask Eslake his views on the WA economy, domestic politics, the changing role of China in international markets and other hot topics.

As an economist of more than 25 years’ experience, most recently as Chief Economist (Australia & New Zealand) for Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Eslake’s pragmatic insights are highly sought after by industry and the media – now here’s your opportunity to mine them firsthand.


Every leader, every motivator of people, every agitator of change, was once inspired by someone else. A light was switched on, a clear path illuminated, often in rocky seas and sometimes when least expected. Seek inspiration in CCI’s Lighthouse Leadership Series that brings together leaders in business, captains of industry, champions of people and shapers of change.

Cancellations received after 26th October will not be entitled to a refund. 

For any queries, please contact the CCI events team on (08) 9365 7500 or email [email protected]

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Melissa Byrne on (08) 9365 7592 or email [email protected] 


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Venue Details
Map of Venue Location.
Hyatt Regency 99 Adelaide Terrace
Perth, WA 6000