Valid to any Mushroom Valley Events (2021-2023)

All Ages (under 18 must have parental guardian)
All Ages (under 18 must have parental guardian)
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All Ages (under 18 must have parental guardian)
Event Description

Mushroom Valley is more than just a party, it's a community, a place where you can grow, learn and connect with other like-minded people. It's a place where you can come and be revitalised and that you can go out and take on the "real" world. 

Join us in October on this beautiful land situated next to a river for a weekend full of world-class music and production, arts, markets, camping and so much more.

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Online sales are currently paused.
Venue Details
Map of Venue Location.
Mushroom Valley Eco Camp Lot 2 Cathu Forest Road
Yalboroo, QLD 4741