I Heart Uni - Team Social
- Reserve
- Details

Are you a member of IHEARTUNI? If so you're invited to our exclusive I Heart Uni Social!
At the social, you get to enjoy a great night out, meet the I Heart Uni team, mingle with other like minded members and make new friends!
You'll also have the chance to play darts within a group AND enjoy the entertainment of karaoke for some singalong fun!
We have also arranged some finger food and a bartab to kick off a good night out!
Tickets are strictly limited (50 people max).
Members who would like to join the events team are highly encouraged to attend.
Presented by: I Heart Uni
For more info visit: www.iheartuni.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iheartuni
To register for Official Silver membership you can do so online at http://events.ticketbooth.com.au/event/IHeartUniMembership
- Instagram: @iheartuniofficial
Follow the event with #iheartuni