Tickets to the Rabbits Eat Lettuce festival are sold by Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd, ABN 16 168 832 657 . Purchase of tickets to this event constitute a contract between Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd, the purchaser and, in the event that the ticket is purchased on another’s behalf, the ticketholder. Tickets are sold subject to the following terms and conditions, which form part of the contract between Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd, the purchaser and the ticketholder.

The Terms and Conditions of Sale include the following:

1. Tickets will not be refunded under any circumstances. Please pay close attention to the quantity and price of tickets in your order. A mistake on the part of the purchaser, or a change in personal circumstances of the ticketholder will not entitle refund, return or exchange of the ticket. Each ticketholder is entitled to change the name of their ticket once and once only, by using the name change process available on the official Rabbits Eat Lettuce website.

2. Illegal substances, weapons, glass and other items listed as banned on this website are 100% prohibited - car searches will be conducted on entry to ensure compliance with the banned items list. Persons found to be in breach of these rules may be refused entry and turned over to the Police.

3. No parking is available offsite, Patrons must not leave vehicles alongside any public road leading towards the venue. Vehicles identified to have been abandoned at the roadside by patrons or those seeking to trespass will be towed.

4. The event is to be held in a quiet rural area and patrons must not cause a nuisance or disturbance in arriving at or departing the event. This included littering.

5. Festival wristbands must be worn at all times around the wrist of the ticketholder when at the Rabbits Eat Lettuce venue. Failure to do so will result in ejection from the event with no refund given.

6. Programming of the event is subject to change without notice, including the possible non-appearance of any particular person or group expected by the ticketholders, whether advertised or not, or any adverse weather conditions beyond the reasonable control of the event organiser.

7. Lost, stolen or damaged tickets will not be replaced.

8. No animals will be permitted on site.

9. No fireworks, lasers, flares, candles may be brought onto site and a total fire ban (within the camping grounds) will be in operation.

10. Any patron engaging in unacceptable or anti-social behaviour may be ejected from the event and will not be permitted re-entry.

11.Tickets only provide access to the areas as indicated by signage at the event.

12. Entry to the Rabbits Eat Lettuce venue is only permitted to holders of valid tickets who agree to the terms and conditions of purchase, in addition to all relevant event information and guidelines viewable at www.rabbitseatlettuce.com.au. Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd reserves the right to evict any person who does not comply with the terms and conditions and/or does not comply with the festival rules and/or is involved in an illegal activity.

13. Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd has the right to use any photos, film or other recordings taken of people or things whilst attending the festival for presentation, promotional or other Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd purposes in perpetuity.

14. Audio visual equipment (including but not limited to cameras, video recorders, mobile phones and pagers) are permitted subject to the discretion of the venue. The Presenter reserves the right to remove a ticketholder if they are in breach of the requirements regarding audio visual equipment.

15. Patrons are encouraged to share transport. Transport to and from the Rabbits Eat Lettuce venue will be operated by independent parties. Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any action or omission by such parties.

16. Some of the artists appearing may use lyrics, language or gestures whilst entertaining that some people may find offensive. If such language or behaviour concerns you, please do not attend.

17. Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.

18. Ticketholders acknowledge that participating in an event at the Rabbits Eat Lettuce venue has inherent dangers (both known and unknown) and risks including a risk of serious injury or even death. In the event of injury or illness Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd may, at the cost of the ticketholder, arrange medical treatment and/or emergency evacuation as deemed essential for the safety of the ticketholder.

19. Entry to the event venue is at the ticketholder’s own risk. Without limiting the generality of this, appropriate footwear and clothing must be worn at all times on the site and ear plugs should be worn if necessary and Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for any hearing damage or loss caused by excessive noise.

20. To the full extent permitted by law, ticketholders waive all legal rights of action against and fully release Rabbits Eat Lettuce Pty Ltd, its agents, employees, members and volunteers for all claims for compensation for loss, damage, injury or death howsoever arising out of or in relation to the ticketholder’s participation in the event including without limitation, liability for any negligent or tortious act or omission on the part of the persons released or under statute or for breach of these terms and conditions.

WARNING: If you participate in these activities your rights to sue the supplier under the Fair Trading Act 1999 if you are killed or injured because the activities were not supplied with due care and skill or were not reasonably fit for their purpose, are excluded, restricted or modified in the way set out in or on this notice.

NOTE: The change to your rights, as set out in or on this notice, does not apply if your death or injury is due to gross negligence on the supplier’s part. “Gross negligence” is defined in the Fair Trading (Recreational Services) Regulations 2004.